The Anglo-Israel Almanack and Diary and British-Israelites' Companion for 1909.
Vendor:[ANON.]SoldRegular price $461 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Sefer Tikuney HaZohar.
Vendor:[BAR YOCHAI, Shimon].SoldRegular price $4,276 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
The Festival Prayers According to the Ritual of The German and Polish Jews
Vendor:[PRAYER BOOK]. LEVI, David (translator).SoldRegular price $592 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Seder Selichoth Mi'kol HaShanah.
Vendor:[PRAYER BOOK].SoldRegular price $2,566 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Seder HaKinot LeTish'ah BeAv.
Vendor:STERN, Max Emanuel [Mendel] (translator).SoldRegular price $856 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Chupat Chatanim.
Vendor:MELDOLA, Raphael.SoldRegular price $1,513 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Seder Tefiloth LaBa'al HaTokeah.
Vendor:[PRAYER BOOK].SoldRegular price $3,289 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Sefer Parashat Drakhim.
Vendor:ROSANES, Judah ben Samuel.SoldRegular price $658 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Tikun Shabbat.
Vendor:TCHERNOWITZ, Chaim Alexander Ziskind.SoldRegular price $1,645 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Seder Hosha'anot.
Vendor:[ANON.]SoldRegular price $3,289 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Fragment from The Book of Psalms.
Vendor:[ANON.]SoldRegular price $4,934 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Sefer Trumat HaDeshen
Vendor:ISSERLEIN, Israel ben Pethachiah Ashkenazi.SoldRegular price $658 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Hilkhot De'ot sive Canones Ethici
Vendor:MAIMONIDES (Moses Ben Maimon); GENTIUS, Georgius (translator).SoldRegular price $2,960 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
The Festival Prayers,
Vendor:[PRAYER BOOK]. DE SOLA, D.A. (trans.)SoldRegular price $3,684 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Faith of Israel,
Vendor:GOODMAN, Rabbi Tobias.SoldRegular price $1,645 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
The Form of Prayers...
Vendor:[PRAYER BOOK]. LEVI, David (translator).SoldRegular price $5,920 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Sefirat HaOmer.
Vendor:[PRAYER BOOK].SoldRegular price $5,197 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Torah, Nevi'im Rishonim, Nevi'im Achronim, Ktuvim.
Vendor:[HEBREW BIBLE].SoldRegular price $5,920 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
The Old Testament in English and Hebrew,
Vendor:BAYLY, Anslem.SoldRegular price $1,152 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
The book of religion, ceremonies, and prayers of the Jews,
Vendor:[MEARS, Abraham].SoldRegular price $4,934 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Schoole der Jooden, begrypende het geheele Joodsche Geloof.
Vendor:BUXTORF, Joannes.SoldRegular price $3,947 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Tikun Sofrim.
Vendor:[PENTATEUCH]. LEVI, David (translator).SoldRegular price $4,934 USDRegular priceUnit price per -
Sefer Elijah Mizrahi al HaTorah.
Vendor:MIZRAHI, Elijah ben Abraham.SoldRegular price $2,960 USDRegular priceUnit price per
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