An Essay About the Origine & Virtues of Gems,
Save 30%wherein are propos'd and historically illustrated some conjectures about the consistence of the matter of precious stones, and the subjects wherein their chiefest virtues reside.
London, by William Godbid, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt at the White Hart in Little Britain, 1672
Robert Boyle (1627-1691), a natural philosopher and founding member of The Royal Society, observed the formation of crystals from solution and experimented using gems in his own collection. This led him to several important conclusions including that gems and other crystalline minerals had similar origins and structures.
First edition; 8vo (17 x 11.5 cm); title within double-ruled woodcut border, title a little soiled with very minor restoration to inner margin, a good copy otherwise, ink ownership inscription to head, bookplate to front pastedown; 20th century morocco, gilt, spine slightly faded; [16], 180, 182-185pp.
Fulton 96; Wellcome II, p.222; Wing B3947; ESTC R18997.
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