New Arrivals
Historia ecclesiastica.
Vendor:EUSEBIUS, Caesariensis; AQUILEIENSIS, Rufinus (translator).SoldRegular price £9,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Miscellanea Philosophico-Mathematica Societatis Privatae Taurinensis.
Vendor:LAGRANGE, Joseph-Louis [et al].SoldRegular price £22,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Begin ende Voortgangh van de Vereenighde Nederlantsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie.
Vendor:COMMELIN, Isaac (editor).SoldRegular price £30,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Traite sur la Cavalerie.
Vendor:DRUMMOND DE MELFORT, Louis Hector (Comte de).SoldRegular price £45,000Regular priceUnit price per -
A Monograph of the Cranes.
Vendor:BLAAUW, Frans Ernst.SoldRegular price £6,500Regular priceUnit price per -
De situ orbis habitabilis.
Vendor:PERIEGETES, Dionysius; BECCARIA, Antonius (translator).SoldRegular price £8,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Speculum Orientalis Occidentalisque Indiae Navigationum;
Vendor:SPILBERGEN, Joris Van.SoldRegular price £20,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Le Tricorne.
Vendor:PICASSO, Pablo.SoldRegular price £32,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Chevaux de minuit.
Vendor:PICASSO, Pablo; ILIAZD; GREY, Roch [pseud. OETTINGEN, Hélène].SoldRegular price £65,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Calligraphic manuscript:
Vendor:PONCET DE LA GRAVE, Guillaume.SoldRegular price £27,500Regular priceUnit price per -
A Monograph of the Coraciidae
Vendor:DRESSER, Henry Eeles.SoldRegular price £9,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Cosmographia, sive De situ orbis.
Vendor:MELA, Pomponius.SoldRegular price £13,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Ruins of the palace of the Emperor Diocletian
Vendor:ADAM, Robert.SoldRegular price £12,500Regular priceUnit price per -
The present state of the Morea
Vendor:RANDOLPH, Bernard.SoldRegular price £7,500Regular priceUnit price per -
D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer
Vendor:RUMPHIUS, Georgius Everhardus.SoldRegular price £6,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Voyage de La Troade, fait dans les annees 1785 et 1786.
Vendor:LE CHEVALIER, Jean Baptiste.SoldRegular price £3,750Regular priceUnit price per -
Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy.
Vendor:TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de.SoldRegular price £3,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Historiale description de l'Afrique,
Vendor:LEO AFRICANUS, Johannes.SoldRegular price £12,500Regular priceUnit price per -
[Petit Voyages]. Indiae Orientalis Pars X.
Vendor:DE BRY, Theodor.SoldRegular price £25,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Hechos de Don Garcia Hurtado de Mendoza, quarto margues de cañete.
Vendor:SUAREZ DE FIGUEROA, Cristobal.SoldRegular price £16,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Voyages aux iles du Grand Ocean.
Vendor:MOERENHOUT, Jacques Antoine.SoldRegular price £8,500Regular priceUnit price per -
Relacion del viage que por orden de su Magestad, y acuerdo de el real Consejo de Indias...
Vendor:NODAL, Bartolome Garcia de & NODAL, Goncalo.SoldRegular price £9,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Diarium nauticum
Vendor:[HOUTMAN'S VOYAGE].SoldRegular price £25,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Dernier voyage du Capitaine Cook autour du Monde,
Vendor:ZIMMERMANN, Heinrich.SoldRegular price £10,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Moriae Encomium.
Vendor:ERASMUS, Desiderius.SoldRegular price £50,000Regular priceUnit price per -
Ierusalem vetustissima
Vendor:REISNER, Adam.SoldRegular price £8,000Regular priceUnit price per